Podcast Interview with Generational Fare
I am so excited to share with you all an interview I did with the incredible Lindsay Anderson who runs Generational Fare website and newsletter. I am so honored to be a part of this important project. Don’t forget, you can share your family recipes on the site by completing the submission form, here. This is an incredible culinary history preservation effort that helps preserve the culinary history from cultures and families all over the world.
Here is a preview of the interview.
When did you first become inspired to start collecting and preserving your family’s recipes?
A little context: I am a historian by training, working on getting my PhD in ancient history, and I am kind of obsessed with data and record keeping. I’m very conscious about trying to preserve things, both for preservation purposes and also so it can evolve and people can study it. When I was transitioning out of graduate school, back in 2014, I was going through kind of an identity crisis. So I started reconnecting with my ethnicity—my ethnicities, rather—and that was when the war broke out in Donbas for the first time. So I think [my identity crisis] was compounded by things that were starting to be erased and under threat in the part of Ukraine that I’m from, while at the same time having a kind of existential crisis about who I am, and trying to reconnect with my past and learn more about myself.
This interview was first published in the Generational Fare newsletter, a roundup of all things food/family/history-related that pique our interest. Don’t forget to subscribe for more stories, here!
In the meantime, if you would like to support my work by helping me buy ingredients for recipe testing, content development, and launching my Patreon, I created a Buy Me A Coffee page.
Thank you!